“The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.”


Most people who are involved in children’s or youth ministry will tell you about the importance of authenticity.  Kids are not daft. They weigh up the things we say to them against their understanding and experience of the world.  They can spot a fake. They appreciate the truth.


Kids understand that there is darkness in the world, but they also understand that there is hope and there is One who brings light and life into the darkest of situations. When we throw a Light Party, we are committed to two things: having fun and sharing that message of light and life. Thanks to our brilliant volunteers, we were able to share our message through a whole host of activities – great hospitality at our party tea and in the parents’ café; our light related crafts; light up balloon games; amazing disco and lightshow and what has fast become the highlight of the evening for many, our neon face paint and glitter tattoo parlour!

We were so grateful to our friends at Oasis Church for jointly hosting this year’s party with us.  Oasis children’s pastor Pete Lockhart gave a great talk, complete with glow in the dark glasses and a ‘wow’ moment involving a camping lantern – the point?  Not that there is no darkness in the world, but that when we choose to follow Jesus, we choose to walk in the light, a light that darkness cannot overcome.

The fact that so many people come to the Light Parties who are not regulars at church, shows that, more than simply wanting to ignore Halloween, there is a real desire for this kind of alternative celebration. They are people that you will see at Holiday Club, at the school gates, at Toddlers or Cameo, speak to them, encourage them, pray for them!


Diana Hopkins