The ToyLink Project


It is hard to believe that in Birmingham there are 1000s of children  who this year may not receive any presents this Christmas.

For many years Birmingham City Mission (BCM) have been running ToyLink, providing presents for many of these children. Around 3000 children (1000+ families) each year receive a sack of toys from BCM. Each child is given 4 presents to open - a toy, game &/or puzzle, books, cuddly toy and fun pack. The gifts are all provided through the generosity of churches in and around Birmingham,  individuals and local firms & businesses. The whole project involves a huge amount of hard work, organisation and  manpower and usually begins in October. Presents are sorted into age groups, rolls and rolls of wrapping paper, sellotape, string and plastic sacks are bought and in November we are all ready to begin wrapping!

It is fun choosing toys for an unknown child - we're just given the name, age & sex of the child, to wrap them and then to imagine the joy of the child as they open their presents on Christmas morning. Another exciting time is when a delivery of toys arrive in the building - bags & bags of new toys all provided by the public, which then have to be sorted into age groups. BCM staff then have the mammoth but very rewarding  task of delivering the sacks of presents to 1000+ needy families who have all been referred by social services, other agencies and BCM staff. Each family also receives a Christmas card and some Christian literature.

At the moment there is a shortage of toys suitable for under 2's and 8 - 11 girls and boys - it would be really great if we could provide a new toy for one of these children or for any age 0 - 16. More information about the project together with a video and ideas for toys can be found on the BCM website.

Thank you so much for your help!

Angie Atkins