‘We’d love to see more people from St John’s joining the team...’


The Easter and summer event seasons provide an amazing opportunity to engage with literally hundreds of people over the different event weeks where we run SERVICEstation (our dedicated advice area). Our teams do a great job in helping people explore their gifting, calling and service opportunities. We still have a number of gaps in our teams. Please pray that the Lord would provide the right people for our teams.

Planning is well under-way for GOfest 2020 to be held at GLO Tilsley College in Motherwell, Scotland on 16 May. A crucial part of our strategy is to relate to local churches regarding the missional challenges they face. We’re planning a second reception for church leaders on 10 March after a similar event in October was very well-received. Pray for a good number to attend the leaders’ event and for all the remaining planning for the main event on 16 May to be inspired by the Holy Spirit.

If you’re interested in finding out more about GOfest, watch our short video.


We’ve started production of the next edition of iServe, a publication which focuses on opportunities to serve in mission all over the world. We lost time at the start of the process due to problems with our online process so our schedule is now very tight. Pray that our production schedule stays on-track and that the publication is used by the Lord to point many to find their place in mission.

Mark and Jo Jowett (recieved 2020).jpg

We are currently planning for the next training cohort for City Pastors. Unfortunately, we had to cancel our autumn training because we had no applications, so the need for recruitment is greater than ever. We’d love to see more people from St John’s joining the team to make a difference in our city, so why not prayerfully consider this? Pray for more applications to come in for the next training on 21 March. If you are interested in finding out more, watch our three minute video or email enquiry@citypastors.co.uk

Jo Jowett

Global Connections | Birmingham