Help DOUBLE donations for Restore!

Update Thurs 2 Dec from Jeremy

A huge thank you to everyone who has donated so far. We are amazed by and grateful for the generosity of donors. We now have over 25 donors, which guarantees that every donation from the start of the scheme will be doubled!

And there is more good news, we've exceeded our original target of £5,250 (including matchfunding). Now, at just past the halfway stage, we are working towards our next target of £10,000. (At the time of writing we’d reached £7,300 including matchfunding)

Thank you so much for supporting Restore's work with refugees and asylum seekers in Birmingham. Your generosity will make a difference in their lives.

The matchfunding scheme closes at 9am on 15 December.

Each year St John’s runs a Christmas appeal to enable members of St John’s to donate to charities. This year they are doing part of that scheme differently because Restore, one of the charities that has benefitted in the past, has been selected for a scheme where your donation will be doubled if you donate to Restore via Crowdfunder. (A scheme that only runs from 17 November to 14 December).

We are delighted that Restore has been accepted for a matchfunding scheme on Crowdfunder which could result in Restore receiving up to £10,000 of matchfunding from the National Emergencies Trust (NET) Local Action Fund. This is part of the NET coronavirus appeal offering support to voluntary and community organisations in the UK to help them counter the financial challenges created by the pandemic. Charities eligible for this funding include those offering services to refugees and asylum seekers.

In terms of the impact our Restore’s work, one befriended asylum seeker wrote, "Restore paired me up with a befriender who actually changed my life. Having someone to talk to was a big problem to me until I met my befriender who came and took that burden away. She is very kind hearted, is always ready to listen to me and has helped me to regain my self-confidence."

If you donate to Restore via our Crowdfunder page for this scheme between 17 November and 14 December, NET will matchfund your donation. This is a great opportunity as your donation will be doubled at no extra cost to you.

There are a few conditions:

  • We need at least 25 people to make a donation via the scheme to get match funding. If there are less than 25 we don’t get any matchfunding. If there are 25 or more then all donations are match funded. So, donations of any size really make a difference.

  • Each person can only donate once and get the donation match funded.

  • Your donation can be gift aided but the match funding cannot be gift aided.

  • Crowdfunder takes a small fee from your donation ie 1.9% plus 20p per donation plus VAT on that fee. (But that is lower than some other platforms e.g. Virgin Money Giving). There is no fee on the matchfunding from NET, the full amount will be given to Restore.

  • The match funding is on donations up to £250. So if you give £300, the match funding is £250.

  • Other charities will also be ‘competing’ for this matchfunding. There is a total of £1.2 million of NET matchfundng available, and it will give on a first-come first-served basis. So the quicker you make your donation the more likely it is to be matchfunded.

So please donate and help boost Restore’s fundraising for 2022!

(Restore is a project of Birmingham Churches Together supporting refugees and asylum seekers in our city).

Jeremy Thompson
Restore Manager