There Is So Much Need For Thriving Churches

During lockdown, the whole of the country saw a growing need within families and individuals, for basic essentials to live, whether that was for food, finances or mental health issues. In Winson Green we were able to support and volunteer in a Food Pantry based at a local Oasis Academy School and the Food Hub at St Germain’s Church on City Road, [supported amongst others, by yourselves at St John’s] during the last 18 months.


Over the last few months, however, we have seen our ministry change and develop naturally and look forward to new projects that are happening in Winson Green. Lorraine has recently started running two Stay & Plays in different venues, within Winson Green, reaching lots of invited families. Quality play experience for the children and good positive fellowship for parents are the aims. She is also planning to carry on supporting at one of ‘St Germain’s wellbeing support groups’ too. Chris is also looking to develop a craft group there.

Chris, during the last year, built up a good relationship with a prayer partner who together during our lockdowns, since September 2020, have walked the streets of Winson Green praying for the community. Chris has now launched a bible study aimed at men, many who live in the local area.

Chris can often be seen litter picking around the community too. A very practical job but one that we feel is so important and is a witness to the community. He has been able to organise “clean up Winson Green” events where different organisations, individuals and community members have joined us. It has been such an encouragement and a blessing to have had some members of St Johns come and join us and support the work in so many ways. Like the team who joined us to clear the overgrown steps to the canal. Thank you to each one of you for standing with us! He's also now back doing chaplaincy in Prison and Cadbury Sixth Form College once again. In addition, Chris is coming near to the end of his Reader Training year. This has been an interesting course but made the year even more busy for us both. He is currently finishing his placement, out of his comfort zone, at Smethwick Old Church.

Winson Green has, in the past, experienced so much sadness and a history of considerable depression, loss and lack of hope. We all know about the prison and the problems that have plagued it, but also in past times, within walking distance of each other, there used to be a workhouse, an asylum, and an infectious disease hospital. Can you believe such sadness and loss concentrated in a relatively small area?


In the light of the above, you can see there is so much need for thriving churches in the area and our prayer is that our community work is helping to build the Bishop Latimer United Church. We can’t do this alone and really value and appreciate your support and prayers! Please do share with us any words or pictures you have for our community. Do come and worship with us sometime!

We would value prayer for ourselves and for the opportunities/ministry we are involved with and of course for the adoption process, which has been delayed during Covid.

We would love to chat more, so please do grab us when you see us or drop us a line!

Chris and Lorriane Milton
Operation Mobilisation, Winson Green

They are supported by Adrian and Sue Allchin's Home Group.
