A Letter to the Thursday Congregation

At the Midweek Service we have been looking at Paul’s first letter to the Thessalonians.  On Week 2 of this mini-series, we saw how encouraged Paul, Silas and Timothy were when they learnt of how the Christians there were standing firm in their faith - ‘We always thank God for all of you ……. We remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labour prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ’.   As we were considering how we might be an encouragement to others, I decided to write, and read out, a letter to the congregation:

Dear Thursday congregation,

I just wanted to say how encouraged I am that you keep turning up every Thursday (even in the appalling weather)! I know for some it’s an early start , and you don’t always feel in the best of health, and I know that parking can be a real challenge, but you seem so pleased to be here. I do hope that’s out of a genuine desire to meet with God and share in Christian fellowship, and not just because the cake is so good!

I love the way it feels like we are friends here.  In fact it feels like we are a family who enjoy spending time together - chatting, laughing, hugging and listening to each other’s stories - the good and the bad.

I love the way you welcome new people, and the way you look out for one another with loving concern and pastoral support.  When one suffers, others feel their pain.  I hear stories of phone calls made at just the right time, of cards sent, a cake delivered, or a prayer offered. I love to witness someone lovingly and patiently listening to a story they may have heard many times before. I love the joy and sense of fun you bring. And I love to see someone putting an arm around someone else and reassuring them in love.

 I am more than encouraged by the commitment of those who help in many different ways on a Thursday - you are a great example of faithful and sacrificial service, and such a help and blessing to us all. 

It is especially encouraging to look out from the front and see the face of someone who is ‘drinking’ in the Word - someone who is thirsty to receive and who has come expectantly to do with business with God. We are all blessed when some share testimony of how you have been impacted by a word or a song or a prayer.  And I am encouraged to see that the number of Bible Reading notes we sell increases every quarter! I pray you will treasure your daily times of quiet to commune with God and let His Word guide you.

Some here are seeking ever-greater depths of the treasure of the knowledge and love of God. And some faithfully intercede for God’s Kingdom purposes.  Some may only just be discovering the God who is ever-present and who knows you better than you know yourself. In your questioning and seeking you are a blessing to us, and I pray you will find the One who longs to draw you close to Himself.

Some here show great determination to keep going after being knocked down by illness or trouble; some remain joyful, still counting your blessings despite difficulties; and some show amazing patient endurance in the face of long-term illness.  You display God’s grace and glory more than you know.

So dear Thursday congregation, you are a joy! And in the words of Paul, ‘We always give thanks for all of you, mentioning you in our prayers.  We continually remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labour prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ’.

So dear friends, continue to nurture your souls, remembering that even though outwardly you may experience decline, inwardly you are being renewed day by day.

Grace and peace be with you


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