It’s been a great encouragement to be travelling again!

It’s been a great encouragement to be travelling again, speaking at churches and conferences about the work of BRF and how we can support and resource the local church as we emerge from the pandemic. We have been joined by new volunteers who work alongside us to share what BRF offers and how it can benefit their specific context. 

Messy Church Goes Wild has been very popular as many Messy Churches are currently meeting outside. With a focus on the environment, it helps nurture an awareness and encourages positive engagement.  

Anna Chaplaincy continues to grow rapidly with many Anna Chaplains being commissioned and joining the BRF Anna Chaplaincy network. We hear such encouraging stories as to how this ministry has a positive impact on the lives of older people.

Parenting for Faith have recently launched a Babies and Toddler project to include a parenting course for this age group which has been very well received as have a new series of podcasts available to support parents, carers and grandparents.

In addition, our range of digital and printed resources and Bible reading notes continue to be very popular across all ages. 

We have appreciated celebrating our Centenary year in a variety of ways. In January we were delighted to be featured on Songs of Praise highlighting the work of BRF. We have since hosted an online and in-person service of Thanksgiving with opportunity to join with the wider BRF family from past and present. We are very grateful for the support and prayer we have received.

Jane Butcher