2020 was not the year we imagined...

Greetings from the Harrod family in Cape Town!
2020 was not the year that people had imagined and 2021 is a similar uncertain start. South Africa is experiencing a second wave of covid which has now passed its peak, although we are waiting for vaccinations to start. We do thank God that each of us have stayed fit and healthy during this corona-time.
Although we were already working from home, we have had to learn to adapt and change how we do ministry and connect with people.

Facilitating joining OM
Apart from during the severe lockdown, we continued to host in-person meetings (covid compliant in our garden) for people wanting to know more about mission. Three people from Cape Town have just joined OM’s mission training programme in Pretoria. We praise God that, in spite of all the uncertainty, the Lord’s work does not stop and he is still raising up people to join him in his mission!

Adrian starts a year-long missions leadership course next month and will implement this learning in connecting with pastors locally, raising awareness of missions in our church and others, and strategizing how to do mobilisation in this “new normal”.

Online World Prayer
Since covid started, we moved our monthly world prayer meeting from our house to hosting online via Zoom. Although it was a leap in learning technology, this has had benefits - making it possible for anyone in any country to join us online. We have also had people presenting while serving in different countries. February focused on Iran, Morocco and Yemen. Please do contact us if you would like to join us praying for the nations online!

Helen continues to be involved in peoplecare, connecting with South Africans serving with OM overseas. Most of her ministry is therefore online, negotiating time-zones to chat, coach and pray with people in countries as varied as Kazakhstan, Jordan, USA, the Logos Hope currently in the Caribbean, and Turkey. She also helps debrief their time overseas when they return on furlough. It has been difficult for many to obtain visas or flights back home, so Helen has been able to support people during this stressful time.

Joshua and Sophia, like many children, did not have a normal academic year at school. They were at home doing online study for April-August, then returned alternate days until mid-December. The new school year commences on 15 February alternate days.

We are so thankful to the Lord for each of you - for your prayer and support that has carried us through.

Helen, Adrian, Joshua and Sophia Harrod
OM. Cape Town, South Africa.

The Harrod family are supported by Tom and Grace Milton’s home group, Helen Baines’ home group and Hannah Muthuveloe’s talk together group.
