We Thank God for Opportunities

Thank you all for your prayers and faithful support and love. It’s been a difficult year for us all, but we thank God for opportunities to perform surgeries through on-land hospital partnerships and we’ve been able to donate over a million items of PPE and other supplies to 11 African nations so far during the pandemic.

We’re also running courses online and we have been able to keep training dentists in Guinea. Watch the video on the right for a recent story of a dentist, that really moves and motivates me:

Please pray:

for new UK team members, as we build good relationships and must work together despite physical restrictions and social distance

for everyone involved in our newest ship, the Global Mercy, which passed sea trails in recent weeks, and will now move on to be fitted out as the world’s largest floating teaching-hospital

for wisdom and time, it feels as though I always need more of both

for filming with TBN (w/e 14th June) as we prepare more programmes in partnerships with TBNUK TV channel

for our summer appeal and for all the elements and people who help make it happen

Thank you

Darren Richards
Mercy Ships, Birmingham

Darren is supported by Andrew and Katie Strickland's Home Group.
